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Homeland & Home: The Immigrant Experience

Dancing Home

Alma Flor Ada and Gabriel Zubizaretta


Ages 8 - 12

In this timely tale of immigration, two cousins learn the importance of family and friendship. Mexico may be her parents’ home, but it’s certainly not Margie’s. She has finally convinced the other kids at school she is 100% American—just like them. But when her Mexican cousin Lupe visits, the image she’s created for herself crumbles. Things aren’t easy for Lupe, either. Mexico hadn’t felt like home since her father went North to find work. Lupe’s hope of seeing him in the United States comforts her some, but learning a new language in a new school is tough. Lupe, as much as Margie, is in need of a friend. Little by little, the girls’ individual steps find the rhythm of one shared dance, and they learn what “home” really means. In the tradition of My Name is Maria Isabel—and simultaneously published in English and in Spanish—Alma Flor Ada and her son Gabriel M. Zubizarreta offer an honest story of family, friendship, and the classic immigrant experience: becoming part of something new, while straying true to who you are.

Available in Spanish

About the Author

Alma Flor Ada, Pro­fes­sor Emerita at the Uni­ver­sity of San Fran­cisco, has devoted her life to advo­cacy for peace by pro­mot­ing a ped­a­gogy ori­ented to per­sonal real­iza­tion and social jus­tice. A for­mer Rad­cliffe Scholar at Har­vard Univer­sity and Ful­bright Research Scholar she is an inter­na­tion­ally re-known speaker. Her pro­fes­sional books for edu­ca­tors, include A Mag­i­cal Encounter: Latino Children’s Lit­er­a­ture in the Class­room, and Authors in the Class­room: A Trans­for­ma­tive Edu­ca­tion Processco-authored with F. Isabel Cam­poy, about their work pro­mot­ing author­ship in stu­dents, teach­ers, and parents. Alma Flor’s numer­ous children’s books of poetry, nar­ra­tive, folk­lore and non fic­tion have received pres­ti­gious awards including: Christo­pher Medal (The Gold Coin), Pura Bel­pré Medal (Under the Royal Palms), Once Upon a World (Gath­er­ing the Sun), Par­ents’ Choice Honor (Dear Peter Rab­bit), NCSS and CBC Notable Book (My Name is María Isabel), Marta Salotti Gold Medal (Encaje de piedra). In 2012 she received the Vir­ginia Hamil­ton Lit­er­ary Award in recog­ni­tion of her body of work for children. Gabriel Zubizaretta has co-authored two children’s books with his mother, Alma Flor Ada – Dancing Home and Love, Amalia. He is CEO, Financial Effectiveness & Transformation Leader for Silicon Valley Accountants. He holds a B.S.A. degree from University of San Francisco.

Alma Flor Ada and Gabriel Zubizaretta

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